Gather your documents

Medika owns a small café and provides catering services as part of her business model. She started her business in 2019 and only started to establish regular clients and positive cash flow when business dropped off again. 

Female small business owner in her coffee shop using a laptop

During recent months business has been really tough and she is quickly using up her small rainy day nest egg.

Medika’s sales have dropped dramatically, she has no cash in the bank and has an overdraft of $8,000.  She has outstanding invoices of more than 90 days from some of her clients who have also hit hard times. She is falling behind on payments to some of her suppliers and those payments are overdue by 60-90 days. 

She is trying to figure out whether it’s worth staying in business or whether she should consider selling or perhaps closing her business. She has decided to see if her business is viable.  She wants to use the results from the business viability assessment tool to have a conversation with her professional advisors to see if there are areas where her business can be improved on.

To use the business viability assessment tool Medika will need to gather some business details.

Medika is now ready to enter her business details into the Business viability assessment tool.