Business structures comparison

Here is a quick comparison of the 4 common business structures.

Complexity refers to ongoing record keeping, reporting, tax obligations, paying yourself or taking money or assets from your business.

Select the options to compare business structures:

Sole trader
  Sole trader Partnership Company Trust
Setup costs Low Medium High High
Ownership/Control Owner Joint between partners
Controlled and managed by Directors
Owned by shareholders
Managed by a Trustee for the benefit of the beneficiaries
Separate legal entity No No Yes Yes
Money earned belongs to Business owner / Sole trader Each partner The company Beneficiaries
Debt liability Business owner / Sole trader Each partner
Generally, the company
Directors may be personally liable in some circumstances
The trustee
Ongoing professional support required Low Low High High
Complexity Low Low-Medium High High
Complexity – if you have personal services income (PSI) Low Medium High High
Time commitment for record keeping and reporting Medium Medium High High
Able to employ workers Yes Yes Yes Yes
Entitled to
Tax File Number
Australian Business Number
Business name
Tax File Number
Australian Business Number
Business name
Tax File Number
Australian Business Number
Australian Company Number
Director Identification Number
Tax File Number
Australian Business Number
Australian Company Number (If using a company as trustee)
Director Identification Number (If using a company as trustee)
Instalment activity statements
Individual income tax return
Instalment activity statements
Partnership tax return
Instalment activity statements
Company tax return
Annual review
Yearly declaration of solvency
Instalment activity statements
Trust tax return
Tax rates Individual income tax rate Individual income tax rate Company tax rate
If income is kept in the trust, it is usually taxed at the highest rate of individual income tax.
If the income is distributed to the trust beneficiaries, the beneficiaries pay the tax at their individual tax rates.

Starting a small business

Steps Progress

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Business structures overview

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