Business travel expenses

There are some important rules for travel expenses. Travel expenses incurred before you start your business are not usually deductible and a deductible trip needs to demonstrate a clear connection to your business activities.

Where expenditure is part business and part private, you need to apportion your claim. This means you exclude the private component from your claim. For example, air fares are usually deductible, provided the primary purpose of the trip is business. If the trip was for business and pleasure, you must apportion the cost. You can claim accommodation and meal expenses for the business part of the trip, but you can’t claim for a holiday before or after that.

Records are important to substantiate your claim. They could include receipts, boarding passes and a diary. You must keep a travel diary of your activities if you are away 6 or more consecutive nights on business travel.

Claiming small business tax deductions

Steps Progress

What are deductions and what can I claim?

5 mins

Accounting for private use of assets

9 mins

Expenses you can never deduct

1 mins

Expenses you can deduct over time

10 mins

Stock and asset records

5 mins

Expenses you can deduct immediately

5 mins

Other deductions records

1 mins

Motor vehicle deductions

4 mins

Motor vehicle deductions records

2 mins

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