Expenditure you can’t deduct

You can’t deduct private or domestic expenses like childcare fees and clothes for your family. 

You can’t deduct expenses relating to income that is not taxable, for example, money you earn from a hobby. 

Certain expenses that are specifically non-deductible under the tax law can never be deducted. Examples are speeding fines and parking tickets.

Finally, you cannot deduct loans the business makes, and money drawn from the business by the owner.


Claiming small business tax deductions

Steps Progress

What are deductions and what can I claim?

5 mins

Accounting for private use of assets

9 mins

Expenses you can never deduct

1 mins

Expenses you can deduct over time

10 mins

Stock and asset records

5 mins

Expenses you can deduct immediately

5 mins

Other deductions records

1 mins

Motor vehicle deductions

4 mins

Motor vehicle deductions records

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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