Interpreting platform tax summaries

The ride-sourcing platforms you work for will provide tax summaries that detail:

  • the income you earned through the platform
  • related expenses (like the commission fee you pay for using the platform), which can be claimed as deductions.

The summaries do not include other income (like another job) nor expenses you pay for, outside of the platform, like fuel.

You will need to contact your platform support area to find out how they give you your ride-sourcing tax invoices and payment summary so you can complete your monthly or quarterly BAS and your tax return.

Money you earn through ride-sourcing is treated like normal income and it may be used to calculate payments from other government agencies.

Keep all your business income records and statements from the platforms in one place – electronic copies are fine but make sure you back them up.

Also keep copies of your business bank statements and any other records referring to your business income.

Ride-sourcing: Income, expenses and GST

Steps Progress

Ride-sourcing and tax

4 mins

Managing income

4 mins

Claiming expense deductions

13 mins

Calculating and recording expense deductions

6 mins

Calculating and recording GST

6 mins

Completing your business activity statement (BAS)

2 mins

GST considerations when purchasing a new ride-sourcing vehicle

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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