Seven considerations to improve your cash flow

When you have examined your financial records and identified areas to improve in your business, it’s then time to think about the different things you can do to make those business improvements come to life.

There are 7 considerations that may help you form strategies to improve your cash flow and grow your business.

The 7 considerations numbered 1 to 7. The considerations that maximise cash in are, 1. Pricing, 2. Volume, 3. Debtors. The considerations that minimise cash out are, 4. Assets, 5. Expenses, 6. Inventory, 7. Staffing.

These considerations will either help you maximise your Cash In or minimise your Cash Out.

To maximise your Cash In there are considerations around pricing, volume and debtors.

To minimise your Cash Out there are considerations around assets, expenses, inventory and staffing.

Each consideration or topic is used to inform and prompt thinking around potential improvements you can make in your business that may lead to an improvement in your cash flow and business growth.