When registering your SMSF, consider if you need to register for goods and services tax (GST). Most SMSFs don’t need to register for GST because SMSFs mainly make input-taxed sales, and these don’t count towards GST turnover.

Some examples of input-taxed sales are financial services, providing credit for a fee and selling or renting residential premises.

SMSFs with an annual GST turnover of more than $75,000 must register for GST. Annual GST turnover doesn’t include:

  • contributions
  • interest and dividends, and
  • residential rent or income generated outside Australia.

However, it does include gross income from the lease of equipment or commercial property.

Visit the ATO website for more information about SMSFs – GST and financial supplies.

Setting up a self-managed super fund (SMSF)

Steps Progress

What is an SMSF?

3 mins

Is an SMSF right for you?

6 mins

Setting up an SMSF

1 mins

Choose an SMSF trustee structure

4 mins

Appoint trustees

6 mins

Check your SMSF is an Australian super fund

2 mins

Create a trust deed

2 mins

Hold assets

2 mins

Register your SMSF

3 mins

Set up a bank account

2 mins

Get an electronic service address

1 mins

Create an investment strategy

2 mins

Plan for the future

1 mins

Prepare an exit plan

2 mins

Record-keeping requirements

2 mins

Notify the ATO and ASIC of changes

2 mins

Consider professional advice

2 mins

Help and more information

3 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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