Loans and early access

Generally you can't lend money or provide direct or indirect financial assistance from your fund to a member, or a member’s relative.

Loans made by your SMSF must comply with your investment strategy. Where a loan arrangement isn’t in your members' best financial interests, your SMSF could be made non-complying and ineligible for concessional tax rates.

Get professional advice before entering into loan arrangements. If you decide to lend money from your SMSF, make sure the loan is conducted on a commercial, arm's length basis.

Remember:  Be cautious of scammers suggesting you can access your super early through a loan.

Running a self-managed super fund (SMSF)

Steps Progress

What is an SMSF?

3 mins

Your obligations when running an SMSF

1 mins

Contributions and rollovers

1 mins


6 mins


6 mins

Managing your fund’s investments

36 mins

Paying super benefits

8 mins

Types of benefits

18 mins

Reporting and administration

1 mins

Understand how your fund is taxed

5 mins

Value your fund’s assets and prepare financial statements

2 mins

Arrange and receive an SMSF audit

7 mins

Lodge your SMSF annual return (SAR)

4 mins

PAYG withholding obligations

4 mins

Reporting transfer balance cap events

3 mins

Record-keeping requirements

2 mins

Notify the ATO and ASIC of changes

2 mins

Consider professional advice

2 mins

Help and more information

3 mins

Related courses

1 mins

Course feedback