Due dates for super guarantee charge and statement

Super guarantee payments are due on specific dates for each quarter.

The due date for payment of the super guarantee charge (SGC) and lodging the Superannuation guarantee charge statement is one calendar month after the super guarantee due date. This is shown in the following table.

Due dates by quarter



Super guarantee payment due date

Super guarantee charge and statement due date


1 July – 30 September

28 October

28 November


1 October – 31 December

28 January

28 February


1 January – 31 March

28 April

28 May


1 April – 30 June

28 July

28 August

Note: When a due date for payment falls on a weekend or public holiday, you can lodge the statement and make the payment on the next working day.

Example: Working out due dates for the super guarantee charge statement – quarter 1

For quarter 1 (1 July to 30 September), super guarantee contributions must be paid to a complying super fund by 28 October.

If you miss paying your super guarantee to a complying super fund by 28 October, you have until 28 November (one calendar month later) to pay the super guarantee charge and lodge the Superannuation guarantee charge statement with the ATO.

Super guarantee employer obligations

Steps Progress

Overview of superannuation

6 mins

Working out if you have to pay super

7 mins

Setting up super for your employees

10 mins

Calculating super guarantee

8 mins

Paying super contributions

7 mins

Rectifying late payments

24 mins

Reducing the risk of penalties

9 mins

Assessment instructions

1 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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