Employers unwilling to meet their obligations

If employers fail to engage with the ATO by not replying promptly to their correspondence or not taking steps to resolve their super guarantee discrepancy, the ATO will take stronger action, including additional penalties.

They may also issue an estimate of a super guarantee charge liability, a garnishee notice or a director penalty notice.

The ATO take this approach with employers who:

  • repeatedly fail to pay the correct amount of super guarantee
  • attempt to obstruct the ATO’s ability to determine a super guarantee charge liability 
  • repeatedly fail to keep appointments
  • repeatedly fail to supply information without an acceptable reason
  •  deliberately supply information that is irrelevant, inadequate or misleading
  • engage in any culpable behaviour to delay the provision of information.

Super guarantee employer obligations

Steps Progress

Overview of superannuation

6 mins

Working out if you have to pay super

7 mins

Setting up super for your employees

10 mins

Calculating super guarantee

8 mins

Paying super contributions

7 mins

Rectifying late payments

24 mins

Reducing the risk of penalties

9 mins

Assessment instructions

1 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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