Engaging overseas contractors

If you’re providing an IT service and engaging a contractor to provide that service on your behalf, the payment to that contractor is reported in the TPAR.

Contractors can be located outside Australia and may not have an ABN. There is no exclusion based on the location or tax residency of the contractor (payee).

If an ABN isn’t provided, you may need to withhold payment under the pay as you go (PAYG) withholding arrangements.

Reporting payments made to contractors

Steps Progress

Contractor payments

10 mins

Building and construction industry

13 mins

Cleaning services

6 mins

Courier services

8 mins

Information technology services

6 mins

Road freight services

8 mins

Security, investigation, or surveillance services

6 mins

What to report

2 mins

How to report

2 mins

If you report incorrectly

4 mins

Contractor records

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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