Contractor details

If you need to lodge a taxable payments annual report (TPAR), report the total contractor payments made to each contractor for the relevant service provided on your behalf. You must also provide contractor (payee) details in a TPAR.

For each contractor you pay, you must include the following details in your TPAR:

  • Australian business number (ABN), if known
    • if a contractor's ABN changed during the year, include each ABN for that contractor
  • name (business name or individual's name)
  • address
  • total amounts for the financial year of the:
    • gross amount paid, including goods and services tax (GST) and any tax withheld
    • total GST you paid them
    • total tax withheld where an ABN was not quoted.

The ATO may ask for extra information about each of your contractors, including their:

  • phone number
  • email address
  • bank account details (if they’re paid by electronic bank transfer).

Reporting payments made to contractors

Steps Progress

Contractor payments

10 mins

Building and construction industry

13 mins

Cleaning services

6 mins

Courier services

8 mins

Information technology services

6 mins

Road freight services

8 mins

Security, investigation, or surveillance services

6 mins

What to report

2 mins

How to report

2 mins

If you report incorrectly

4 mins

Contractor records

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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