Calculate and distribute member benefits

How you distribute benefits depends on whether they are a member and if they meet a condition of release.

There are 2 ways to deal with a member’s benefits, depending on a member’s circumstances:

  • If the member meets a condition of release, they can choose if you pay out their benefits or roll them over to another complying super fund. Any instructions from a member to a trustee about payment of benefits should be documented in writing.
  • If the member does not meet a condition of release, you must roll over their benefits to another complying super fund.

Winding up a self-managed super fund (SMSF)

Steps Progress

When should I wind up my SMSF?

3 mins

Have a plan for when to wind up your SMSF

2 mins

Prepare an exit plan

2 mins

How to wind up an SMSF

1 mins

Check your trust deed

1 mins

Get written agreement

1 mins

Sell or dispose of your fund’s assets

1 mins

Finalise outstanding tax and compliance obligations

3 mins

Pay outstanding expenses and tax liabilities

1 mins

Calculate and distribute member benefits

5 mins

Complete a final audit

1 mins

Lodge your final SMSF annual return (SAR)

1 mins

Notify third parties

1 mins

Close your SMSF bank account

1 mins

Keeping SMSF records

2 mins

Consider professional advice

2 mins

Help and more information

3 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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