Keeping SMSF records

Remember, as a trustee it’s your responsibility to ensure proper and accurate tax and super records are kept for your SMSF.

When winding up an SMSF, you must make sure that all trustees have access to the SMSF records after it has been wound up.

There are different requirements for how long you must keep SMSF records. Depending on the type of record, this may be for a minimum of either five or ten years.

Record-keeping requirements

Records to keep for a minimum of 5 years:

  • accurate and accessible accounting records that explain the transactions and financial position of your SMSF
  • documentation showing decisions made about what benefit payment type was paid (pension, lump sum, or a combination of both) and the account the payment was paid from
  • an annual operating statement and an annual statement of your SMSF’s financial position
  • copies of all SMSF annual returns lodged
  • copies of transfer balance account reports lodged
  • copies of any other statements you are required to lodge with the ATO or provide to other super funds.

Records to keep for a minimum of 10 years:

  • minutes of trustee meetings and decisions, if matters affecting your fund were discussed. For example, you reviewed the fund’s investment strategy or the commencement or commutation, in part or in full, of an income stream
  • records of all changes of trustees
  • trustee declarations recognising the obligations and responsibilities for any trustee, or director of a corporate trustee, appointed after 30 June 2007
  • members’ written consent to be appointed as trustees
  • copies of all reports given to members
  • documented decisions about storage of collectables and personal use assets.

Corporate trustees will also be required to keep ASIC company records.

Don't forget you also need to keep income tax records - such as those related to deductions, capital gains and losses.

Keep records in writing and in English. If you keep electronic records, they must be able to be verified by the ATO and in a form the ATO can access and understand.

Winding up a self-managed super fund (SMSF)

Steps Progress

When should I wind up my SMSF?

3 mins

Have a plan for when to wind up your SMSF

2 mins

Prepare an exit plan

2 mins

How to wind up an SMSF

1 mins

Check your trust deed

1 mins

Get written agreement

1 mins

Sell or dispose of your fund’s assets

1 mins

Finalise outstanding tax and compliance obligations

3 mins

Pay outstanding expenses and tax liabilities

1 mins

Calculate and distribute member benefits

5 mins

Complete a final audit

1 mins

Lodge your final SMSF annual return (SAR)

1 mins

Notify third parties

1 mins

Close your SMSF bank account

1 mins

Keeping SMSF records

2 mins

Consider professional advice

2 mins

Help and more information

3 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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