Benefits of keeping accurate and complete records

When businesses are doing well, one reason is that they have accurate and complete records. Accurate and complete records allow you to: 

  • monitor the health of your business and know whether your business is running at a profit or loss 
  • make informed business decisions 
  • keep track of money you owe and money that’s owed to you 
  • monitor your cash flow to help you plan and make payments on time 
  • avoid penalties that may apply for failing to keep proper records 
  • demonstrate your financial position to lenders, businesses, tax professionals and prospective buyers 
  • more easily meet your tax, super and employer obligations, including preparing and lodging your tax returns and other reporting requirements that may apply to your business. For example, business activity statement (BAS) and taxable payments annual report (TPAR). 
  • provide the information the ATO need if they audit your business, making the process easier and shorter.

Setting up your small business

Steps Progress

The small business life cycle

5 mins

Digital options

15 mins

The big picture of tax

5 mins

ATO online services

6 mins

Setting up your business banking

6 mins

Pay as you go instalments (PAYGI)

5 mins

Record keeping overview

10 mins

Small business support

10 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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