Using the rate that applies at the end of the BAS period

If you’re claiming less than $10,000 in fuel tax credits each year, you can use this simplified method if there is a change of rate during the BAS period (for example, in February and August).

With this method, you can calculate your fuel tax credit claim by using the rate that applies at the end of the period.

You don't need to split your fuel purchases during the period and use two different rates. Simply total your litres for the period and use the rate that is current on the last day of the BAS period to work out your claim.

Fuel tax credits

Steps Progress

What are fuel tax credits?

3 mins

Is my fuel eligible for fuel tax credits?

5 mins

Is my business activity eligible for fuel tax credits?

13 mins

The ATO fuel tax credit eligibility tool

5 mins

Fuel tax credit rates

3 mins

Working out how many litres of fuel you can claim

10 mins

Calculate your fuel tax credit claim

25 mins

How to submit, adjust or correct a fuel tax credit claim

4 mins

Registering for fuel tax credits

2 mins

Record keeping for fuel tax credits

2 mins

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