The ATO fuel tax credit calculator

You can use the ATO Fuel tax credit calculator to help calculate most simplified fuel tax credit claims, as well as general claims.

The ATO Fuel tax credit calculator gives you options to:

  • calculate claims on an original BAS
  • calculate claims using simplified fuel tax credits
  • calculate an adjustment or correction for a previous BAS.

The tool helps you to:

  • report amounts at label 7D (Fuel tax credit) and 7C (Fuel tax credit overclaim) on your BAS
  • provide a summary of the period, fuel, litres, rate, activity and expected dollar value of a fuel tax credit claim
  • create a personalised summary and print out for your record keeping requirements.

Note: The ATO Fuel tax credit calculator can help identify general fuel tax credit claim amounts but it doesn’t cover everything. Importantly, it doesn’t consider specific rules that may apply to your business activity or fuel so you must check and understand these before claiming.

Fuel tax credits

Steps Progress

What are fuel tax credits?

3 mins

Is my fuel eligible for fuel tax credits?

5 mins

Is my business activity eligible for fuel tax credits?

13 mins

The ATO fuel tax credit eligibility tool

5 mins

Fuel tax credit rates

3 mins

Working out how many litres of fuel you can claim

10 mins

Calculate your fuel tax credit claim

25 mins

How to submit, adjust or correct a fuel tax credit claim

4 mins

Registering for fuel tax credits

2 mins

Record keeping for fuel tax credits

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