What business activities are eligible for fuel tax credits?

If you identify that you purchased and used fuel that's eligible for fuel tax credits, you need to work out whether your business activities are also eligible.

The main business activities include:

  1. Road transport. Heavy vehicles that have a gross vehicle mass (GMV) greater than 4.5 tonnes for travelling on public roads. Diesel vehicles acquired before 1 July 2006 can equal 4.5 tonnes.
    Under this category, you need to meet specific environmental criteria if claiming fuel tax credits for a heavy diesel vehicle manufactured before 1 January 1996.
  2. All other business uses. Business activities that can be claimed for under this category include:
    • eligible business activities (e.g. agriculture, fishing, forestry, mining, construction activities and landscaping)
    • fuel used off public roads by light and heavy vehicles
    • activities that aren’t considered travelling (e.g. graders constructing a road)
    • fuel used for powering auxiliary equipment used in heavy vehicles
    • packaging and supplying fuel.

Fuel tax credits

Steps Progress

What are fuel tax credits?

3 mins

Is my fuel eligible for fuel tax credits?

5 mins

Is my business activity eligible for fuel tax credits?

13 mins

The ATO fuel tax credit eligibility tool

5 mins

Fuel tax credit rates

3 mins

Working out how many litres of fuel you can claim

10 mins

Calculate your fuel tax credit claim

25 mins

How to submit, adjust or correct a fuel tax credit claim

4 mins

Registering for fuel tax credits

2 mins

Record keeping for fuel tax credits

2 mins

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