Fuel tax credit business records

To work out your business's fuel tax credits accurately and support your claims, you need to keep complete and accurate records.

Information your records must show

Examples of types of records

  • You are carrying on a business.
  • The type, date and quantity of fuel that you acquired for your business activities.
  • How the fuel was used in your business for eligible and ineligible activities.
  • You applied the correct rate when calculating how much you could claim.
  • The vehicle meets one of the environmental criteria (if it’s a heavy diesel vehicle manufactured before 1 January 1996).
  • Tax invoices, bank statements.
  • Logbooks.
  • Fuel supplier statements.
  • Copies of contracts to show that you are carrying on a business and the activities that the fuel was used in.
  • Worksheets and other details showing work carried out.
  • Fuel issue records.
  • Odometer readings, route distances.
  • GPS/telematics data to show where the fuel has been used in your vehicles, equipment or machinery.
  • Calculation worksheets.
  • Service records and maintenance schedules.

You need to keep more than one of these types of record to support your claims for 5 years. Some records may need to be kept for longer.

Fuel tax credits

Steps Progress

What are fuel tax credits?

3 mins

Is my fuel eligible for fuel tax credits?

5 mins

Is my business activity eligible for fuel tax credits?

13 mins

The ATO fuel tax credit eligibility tool

5 mins

Fuel tax credit rates

3 mins

Working out how many litres of fuel you can claim

10 mins

Calculate your fuel tax credit claim

25 mins

How to submit, adjust or correct a fuel tax credit claim

4 mins

Registering for fuel tax credits

2 mins

Record keeping for fuel tax credits

2 mins

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