Non - deductible expenses

Non-deductible expenses cannot be claimed against your PSI. These expenses cannot be used to reduce PSI attributed to the individual, which is included in their individual tax return.

To prevent double taxation, where you make a payment to an associate (for example, a salary payment) that is non-deductible under the PSI rules, the amount received by the associate is not included in their assessable income.


Karla is a sole trader who pays a salary to Josh to do the bookwork and run the home office (that is, non-principal work). Karla is not entitled to claim a deduction for the salary she pays to Josh because he is not performing principal work.

As Karla cannot claim a deduction for the salary she pays to Josh, the salary Josh receives is not included in his income tax return as assessable income. Any PAYG withholding tax Karla pays on behalf of Josh is credited to Karla when she completes her individual tax return.

Fringe benefits tax on non-deductible expenses

If you have to pay fringe benefits tax on an expense that is non-deductible under the PSI rules, the taxable value of the fringe benefit is reduced by the non-deductible amount.

Personal services income

Steps Progress

What is PSI?

4 mins

Is the income PSI?

5 mins

Income that is not PSI

9 mins

Whose PSI is it?

7 mins

Working out if the PSI rules apply: self-assess as a personal service business (PSB)

2 mins

The 80% rule

5 mins

Results test

8 mins

Unrelated clients test

5 mins

Employment test

5 mins

Business premises test

7 mins

Obtaining work through an agency

5 mins

Apply for a personal services business determination (PSBD)

3 mins

What to do when the PSI rules apply

2 mins

What to do when the PSI rules apply: claiming deductions

11 mins

What to do when the PSI rules apply: how to attribute PSI

8 mins

What to do when the PSI rules apply: PAYG

18 mins

What to do when the PSI rules apply: completing your tax return

4 mins

What to do if the PSI rules don’t apply

3 mins

Record keeping for PSI

1 mins

Help for PSI

1 mins

Case study: instructions

1 mins

Case studies: sole trader

11 mins

Case studies: partnership

12 mins

Case studies: company

12 mins

Case studies: trust

12 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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