Small business rollover

You may be able to use the small business rollover to defer all or part of a capital gain made from a CGT event. To qualify for the small business rollover, you need to satisfy the basic eligibility conditions for the small business CGT concessions.

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Choosing to obtain a rollover

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Acquiring the replacement asset

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Applying the small business rollover

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A further CGT event happens if you choose the rollover but certain conditions, such as purchasing a replacement asset, are not met by the end of the replacement asset period.

To use the small business rollover you must meet these conditions.

Capital gains tax (CGT)

Steps Progress

Capital gains tax overview

5 mins

CGT assets and events

7 mins

Timing of CGT events

5 mins

Calculating a capital gain or loss for each CGT event

21 mins

General exemptions and rollovers

4 mins

Applying small business CGT concessions

20 mins

Calculating the overall net capital gain or loss for the income year

2 mins

The CGT calculator

2 mins

CGT when changing your business structure

2 mins

CGT if running a home-based business

3 mins

CGT record-keeping and asset register

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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