You make a capital gain if the capital proceeds are more than your cost base.
You make a capital loss if your capital proceeds are less than your reduced cost base.
Do this for all the CGT events in an income year so you know whether you made a capital gain or loss for each.
For example, Annisa has sold her farmland for $240,000 and investment shares for $17,000.
Annisa has calculated that the cost base (for a capital gain) of the farmland is $160,000. She made a capital loss on the shares, so she calculates the reduced cost base, which is $22,000. Her calculations are as follows:
Capital proceeds – cost base = capital gain or loss
$240,000 – $160,000 = $80,000 gain
Capital proceeds – reduced cost base = capital gain or loss
$17,000 – $22,000 = $5,000 loss
Therefore, Annisa worked out that she has made a:
- capital gain of $80,000 for the sale of farmland
- capital loss of $5,000 for the sale of shares.