Reduced cost base and calculating a capital loss

When you calculated your cost base and subtracted it from your capital proceeds, if you worked out that you’d made a loss, you recalculate using the reduced cost base instead.

The reduced cost base of a CGT asset has the same elements as the cost base, except for the third element. The reduced cost base elements are:

  1. Money or property given for the asset.
  2. Incidental costs of acquiring the CGT asset or that relate to the CGT event, for which you’re not entitled to a deduction.
  3. Balancing adjustment amount (any amount that is assessable because of a balancing adjustment for the asset or that would be assessable if certain balancing adjustment relief was not available).
  4. Capital costs to increase or preserve the value of your asset or to install or move it.
  5. Capital costs of establishing, preserving or defending your title or a right over your asset.

You need to work out the amount for each element, then add the amounts together to find out your reduced cost base for the relevant CGT asset.

Once you know your reduced cost base, there’s only one way to calculate a capital loss for a CGT event, which is to subtract the reduced cost base (or the amount specified by the relevant CGT event) from the capital proceeds.

The ATO website has more information on how to calculate your reduced cost base.

Diagram representing how and when the reduced cost based is used to calculate a capital loss. The diagram shows that after calculating your capital proceeds and cost base, if you have a loss, you calculate the reduced cost base. The capital loss is the capital proceeds minus the reduced cost base.

Capital gains tax (CGT)

Steps Progress

Capital gains tax overview

5 mins

CGT assets and events

7 mins

Timing of CGT events

5 mins

Calculating a capital gain or loss for each CGT event

21 mins

General exemptions and rollovers

4 mins

Applying small business CGT concessions

20 mins

Calculating the overall net capital gain or loss for the income year

2 mins

The CGT calculator

2 mins

CGT when changing your business structure

2 mins

CGT if running a home-based business

3 mins

CGT record-keeping and asset register

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