Personal use assets

A personal use asset is used or kept mainly for the personal use or enjoyment of you or your associates. It isn’t a collectable.

A capital gain on a personal use asset is only subject to CGT if it cost you more than $10,000 to acquire the asset.

Personal use assets also include:

  • an option or a right to acquire a personal use asset
  • a debt resulting from a CGT event involving a CGT asset kept mainly for your personal use or enjoyment, or
  • a debt resulting from you doing something other than gaining or producing your assessable income or carrying on a business.

Examples of personal use assets include boats, furniture, electrical goods and household items.

Capital gains tax (CGT)

Steps Progress

Capital gains tax overview

5 mins

CGT assets and events

7 mins

Timing of CGT events

5 mins

Calculating a capital gain or loss for each CGT event

21 mins

General exemptions and rollovers

4 mins

Applying small business CGT concessions

20 mins

Calculating the overall net capital gain or loss for the income year

2 mins

The CGT calculator

2 mins

CGT when changing your business structure

2 mins

CGT if running a home-based business

3 mins

CGT record-keeping and asset register

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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