Fraud consequences and their impacts

The ATO know that most people are responsible and try to do the right thing in meeting their tax obligations. They understand the importance of paying tax and the role it plays in providing essential services to our community.

However, there are some people and businesses that deliberately do the wrong thing, by misleading and taking advantage of others, or by misreporting their business activities and income.

Serious consequences for those behaving in this way include penalties, criminal convictions, fines, and prison sentences. Other impacts include unwanted media attention, damaged reputation, a bad credit rating, loss of trust, and damaged relationships with customers, friends, and family.

Read more about one of the ATO's largest GST fraud investigations and the outcome for some of those caught doing the wrong thing.

Goods and services tax (GST)

Steps Progress

Introduction to the Goods and services tax (GST)

4 mins

Registering for GST

4 mins

Protecting yourself and your business

7 mins

Collecting GST on sales

6 mins

Claiming GST on purchases (GST credits)

8 mins

Claiming GST on imports and exports

3 mins

Record keeping and GST

5 mins

Accounting for GST

4 mins

BAS lodgment and payment options

6 mins

Completing your BAS

5 mins

Managing errors and making adjustments

5 mins

Getting support when you need it

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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