GST and imports

GST is payable on most goods imported into Australia. These goods are known as ‘taxable importations’.

GST on taxable importations is payable by businesses and individuals, regardless of whether they are registered for GST.  

If you are registered for GST and you import goods as part of your business, you may be able to claim a credit for the GST you’ve paid on those goods.

Paying GST on imported goods

GST on taxable importations is collected by the Department of Home Affairs. The amount of GST payable is 10% of the value of the taxable importation.

To calculate the value of a taxable importation, you add:

  • the customs value of the goods
  • any customs duty payable
  • the amount paid or payable to transport the goods to their place of consignment in Australia
  • the insurance cost for that transport
  • any wine tax payable.

In most cases, GST is payable before the goods are released by Home Affairs.

If you are importing goods into Australia as part of your business, you can find more information about, GST and imported goods and Common GST errors – importing or exporting goods and services, on the ATO website.

Goods and services tax (GST)

Steps Progress

Introduction to the Goods and services tax (GST)

4 mins

Registering for GST

4 mins

Protecting yourself and your business

7 mins

Collecting GST on sales

6 mins

Claiming GST on purchases (GST credits)

8 mins

Claiming GST on imports and exports

3 mins

Record keeping and GST

5 mins

Accounting for GST

4 mins

BAS lodgment and payment options

6 mins

Completing your BAS

5 mins

Managing errors and making adjustments

5 mins

Getting support when you need it

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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