What is the Goods and services tax (GST)?

The Goods and services tax (GST) is a broad-based tax of 10% which is applied to most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia.

Most sales in Australia are subject to GST, although there are some exemptions.

Sales that have GST included in their price are known as taxable sales.

How does GST help our community?

The money collected from GST is given to the states and territories where it helps build and support the community. GST helps fund essential services including:

  • Health cares: hospitals, ambulance services, and public health services such as cancer screening and immunisation
  • Public safety services: police, fire, and SES, as well as disaster relief in bush fires and floods
  • Education services: schools, universities, and TAFE
  • Social services: childcare, aged care, and disability support services
  • Justice and community safety services: dispute resolution, prisons, road and water safety programs and support for vulnerable children, families and victims of crime
  • Environmental services: conservation programs to protect our wildlife and its habitat
  • Infrastructure: building roads, bridges and public transport including buses, trams, trains and ferries
  • Cultural and sporting institutions: libraries, art galleries, museums, and sports facilities.

Goods and services tax (GST)

Steps Progress

Introduction to the Goods and services tax (GST)

4 mins

Registering for GST

4 mins

Protecting yourself and your business

7 mins

Collecting GST on sales

6 mins

Claiming GST on purchases (GST credits)

8 mins

Claiming GST on imports and exports

3 mins

Record keeping and GST

5 mins

Accounting for GST

4 mins

BAS lodgment and payment options

6 mins

Completing your BAS

5 mins

Managing errors and making adjustments

5 mins

Getting support when you need it

2 mins

Related courses

1 mins

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