Questions to ask

What are the things you need to consider before looking for workers to hire? What kind of things should you think about?

Before you hire workers, there are a few things you need to ask yourself.

  • Do I have the budget to afford workers?
  • Do I have equipment, systems and processes in place for them to use?
  • Can I supervise or train them?
  • What type of work can I offer them?
  • Is the work continuous, seasonal or one-off?
  • Will I employ them on a permanent, fixed-term or casual basis? Will they be a trainee or apprentice? Do I need temporary or labour hire staff, or a contractor or sub-contractor?
  • Will I pay them an hourly rate and what will their work hours be?

Identifying responses to these questions will help you decide what you want from your workers and what you can offer them before you start the recruitment processes. 

If you’re thinking about making changes to your business, such as hiring workers, talk to your tax professional and other professional advisers to help avoid any costly mistakes.