Super fund choice records

Information your records need to show

Examples of types of records

For employees eligible to choose which super fund they want you to pay into, you will need to keep records: 

  • showing you have offered eligible employees the choice 
  • of the written information provided by an employee nominating their chosen fund or RSA. 

For employees who aren't eligible to choose their fund, keep records of: 

  • why employees haven't been offered a choice 
  • which employees you don't have to offer a choice of super fund to. 

You will also need to keep records to confirm that: 

  • your nominated (default) fund offers a MySuper product 
  • the super fund meets specific requirements and obligations under super law.
  • Completed Superannuation standard choice form. 
  • Evidence that you have given the standard choice form to all eligible employees (for example, you may issue this form by email and retain copies of the emails).
  • Details of any employees you don't have to offer a choice of super fund to.

How long to keep super fund choice records

Super fund choice records need to be kept for 5 years from the date of employee engagement or when an employee is offered, chooses or changes their choice of fund.

If you make super contributions under an award or employment agreement, this may impose additional record-keeping obligations, so check your relevant award or regulation.