What are your obligations?

As you get closer to hiring new employees you will need to start preparing for your tax and super obligations, so you have the right systems in place when your employee begins working for your business. In preparation for hiring new employees you need to:

  • register for pay as you go (PAYG) withholding to withhold tax from your employees’ wages
  • register as a working holiday maker employer, if you’re hiring workers on a ‘working holiday’ visa or ‘work and holiday’ visa
  • get set up for reporting and paying super contributions for your employees
  • check that you can report your employees' payroll information through Single Touch Payroll (STP)
  • register for fringe benefits tax (FBT) if you are providing fringe benefits to your employee or their associates, and will have an FBT liability
  • check if you need to register for payroll tax with your state or territory revenue office.