The cost of a depreciating asset

To work out the decline in value of a depreciating asset, you need to know its cost. The cost of a depreciating asset has two elements.

The first element of cost is generally amounts you are taken to have paid to hold the asset, such as the purchase price. The amounts must be directly connected with holding the asset. The first element of cost is worked out as at the time you begin to hold the asset.

The second element of cost is generally amounts you are taken to have paid after that time to bring the asset to its present condition and location, such as a cost of improving the asset


Steps Progress

Depreciation – the big picture

6 mins

Do I use depreciating assets in my business?

3 mins

Am I holding any depreciating assets?

4 mins

Can I use simplified depreciation for small business?

6 mins

Simplified depreciation: exclusions and other considerations

15 mins

Simplified depreciation: can I use the instant asset write-off?

5 mins

Simplified depreciation: using a small business pool

15 mins

Can I use general depreciation?

7 mins

Calculating depreciation using general depreciation rules

5 mins

General depreciation: ceasing to hold or use a depreciating asset

5 mins

General depreciation: low-value asset pool

9 mins

Can I use the capital works deduction or other special rules?

4 mins


2 mins

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