General depreciation: reduction for non-taxable use of a depreciating asset

A deduction for the decline in value of a depreciating asset is reduced by how much it's used for a non-taxable purpose.

So, if you used an asset 10% of the time for a private purpose and 90% for business you can only claim 90% of its decline in value as a deduction.


Steps Progress

Depreciation – the big picture

6 mins

Do I use depreciating assets in my business?

3 mins

Am I holding any depreciating assets?

4 mins

Can I use simplified depreciation for small business?

6 mins

Simplified depreciation: exclusions and other considerations

15 mins

Simplified depreciation: can I use the instant asset write-off?

5 mins

Simplified depreciation: using a small business pool

15 mins

Can I use general depreciation?

7 mins

Calculating depreciation using general depreciation rules

5 mins

General depreciation: ceasing to hold or use a depreciating asset

5 mins

General depreciation: low-value asset pool

9 mins

Can I use the capital works deduction or other special rules?

4 mins


2 mins

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